2 definitions by Crawdaddy

Adj: An act that would commonly be performed by a bitch (definition #4). Used to describe the act itself. May be used regarless of gender of implied person.
"Dude, she slashed your tires? That's bitchenistic!"

Putting two praying mantis' in a bowl until one ate the other would be bitchenistic.
by Crawdaddy October 10, 2007
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Adj: An act that would commonly be performed by a bitch. Used to describe the act itself. May be used regarless of gender of implied person.

"Dude, she slashed your tires? That's bitchenistic!"

Putting two praying mantis' in a bowl until one ate the other would be bitchenistic.
by Crawdaddy October 30, 2007
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