1 definition by Cp618rhD8F

Politicians and pundits alike have referred to Trump's populism, anti-free trade, and anti-immigrant stances as "Trumpism"

Tenuous relations with Centrists and Conservatives with the common goal to defeat the liberal Democrats, to dismantle the democratic process and enable voter suppression by targeting minorities ability to vote. Even asking for assistance from other dictatorships for corrupting the voting process. Disparaging against socialism and liberalism, with a strong reliance on Christians support. Uses conspiracy theories to detract, deflect, and blame for any and all negative publicity.

Much like Hitler's 'Lügenpresse' ('press of lies' a propaganda tactic to discredit the free press) Trumpism has 'Fake News' that any publication that is not flattering enough, for even moderate commenting on the Presidency is still deemed as 'failing' even so far to acuse all Freedom of the Press as 'ENEMIES OF THE STATE'.

The followers instead of having red swastika arm band on the left arm like in Hitlerism, wear red hats to identify their unfaltering loyalty to their beloved leader. Even prompted to do violence by Trump the childish and bullying nature has appealed to students and has been seen for bullying of minorities in schools numerous times. The rebirth of the nation is similar theme to Hitlerism but instead the motto is to 'Make America Great Again' as branded upon the red hats in Trumpism.
"Trumpism is an attack on the press, complain about the judicial system and the bold claims of presidential power collectively sketch out a constitutional worldview that shows utter contempt for the First Amendment, the separation of powers and the rule of law."

"Trumpism is ideologically rigid, and certainly equates deal making with surrender."
by Cp618rhD8F July 1, 2019
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