1 definition by Cowok

Similar to the more commonly known words Sister & Sisters.

'Sistarz' is both singular and plural.

There are no known examples of situations where one would have acquired enough or too many sistarz. 'Sistarz' will therefore always refer to the maximum amount of available sisters.

Referring to someones 'Sistarz' indicates a physical attraction. It is therefore not advisable to referring to biological sister(s) using 'Sistarz', unless one wishes to admit to being attracted to one's own sister(s).
Commonly used phrases:

- "Gief sistarz plx! - (I would like the company of your sister(s)).
- "Got sistarz!!!11" - (Do you happen to be in possession of sister(s)?)
- "How old is your sistarz"?
- "That's what your sistarz said."
by Cowok January 13, 2010
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