2 definitions by Corona ed

Corona Ed is a guy who's got a heart of gold but gets treated like shit by females , he's always told it's not his fault. He gets the"it's not you, it's me" Everytime a girl cheats and leaves him. he's the life of the party, his signature move is sliding down stairs with a frozen burrito in his mouth while intoxicated. He a best friend every guy wants to have. Awesome Wingman. Always takes one for the team.
That Travis is a Real Corona Ed, did you see him slide down the stairs with that burrito in his mouth?
by Corona ed July 7, 2022
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A Guy who has good morals but the morals go out the window when he drinks.

A Panama Jake is a drunkin horny male that loses all inhibition when around hot females. Will show off his penis and use it to do party tricks to get a laugh and possible pussy.
Hey that guy is a true Panama Jake, he just showed me a trick making his dick into a hamburger.
by Corona ed June 20, 2022
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