2 definitions by ConfettiBomb

Melike is a female turkish name which is the equivalent to a Harry Styles fanatic. Though she also tends to have affairs with other celebrities, she feels herself most torn to One Direction, talking specifically about Harry damn Styles.

Actually, the name Melike can also mean something like “deposit bottle collector”.
Omg you like Harry Styles? You are such a Melike.

Why are you so crazy about empty bottles! Stop being such a Melike!
by ConfettiBomb November 23, 2021
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Melike is a turkish name which means: Harry Styles fanatic. Though she is someone who has lots of affairs with other celebrities, she feels herself most torn to One Direction and specifically Harry Styles.

The name Melike can also mean something like “deposit bottle collector”. She is a lovely female.
You like Harry? Omg, you are such a Melike.

You are crazy about deposit bottle! Stop being such a Melike!
by ConfettiBomb November 23, 2021
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