2 definitions by Collectic

Utilizing a European method or way (Eur-Way) of accomplishing a task, creating a product or operating a business. Generally considered to be a refined, eco-friendly, value-driven and conscientious technique that is likely superior to existing or entrenched processes or systems.
The Eurway business model echoes the European penchant for clean design, self-assembly, and value-priced home and office furnishings.
by Collectic April 29, 2022
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BENjun n. A virtually inescapable, physiological impulse to binge-watch multiple episodes of a streaming television series in one sitting, often disrupting and/or excluding eating, sleeping and other normal activities.
Ladies and Gentlemen...all the final episodes of "Ozark" are now streaming on Netflix...so, Start your Bingines!
by Collectic April 29, 2022
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