2 definitions by CoLLiN StYLeS

Bloody Mary, which is a ghost. No one likes this ghost because it looks like a TAGALA.
BUT, some other Mary can be as good and pretty as an angel....But not for a Mary Tagala
Will u Marry me Mary? I want to Marry u Mary.
by CoLLiN StYLeS May 13, 2021
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She’s a persevering person, can be really smart if she puts in a lot of effort into studying. But tends to be timid of others, doesn’t have a lot of friends and is a lil social awkward. Tends to behave like a boy when she feels comfortable around her close friends. Name can be pronounced as “Lorin” or “Lorraine”.
dude A: Wtf Loreyn is the awkwardest person i’ve ever seen...???!?!???!
dude B: Huh really? Probably u don’t understand her well enough.
by CoLLiN StYLeS May 13, 2021
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