1 definition by Co-parenting with a narcissist

A sperm donor who decides being a father to his children is no longer of interest or a priority to him. A person who forces hardship and hurt upon his kids due to his selfishness and lack of care towards their quality of life and childhood years. A person with garnished wage orders is the ultimate deadbeat. The state has to step in and care for his children bc he won't voluntarily contribute. No one is more heartless and selfish than a parent who has their child go without so they can have more. A person who fears exposure of reality and the truth because their choices and actions are so shameful and disgusting.
Other possible synonyms: narcissist, sociopath, a shallow empty walking corspe with a dad costume on, childhood stealer, a regret to give your heart to, a mistake to trust or believe, a frequent disappointment, the ugliest form of a coparent.
The deadbeat dad walked around the airport with his pilot costume on enjoying the respect and idolizations he received from passengers and flight attendants. Wearing a costume was his escape from the reality of the truth which was that he was a childhood damager and innocent offspring heartbreaker.
by Co-parenting with a narcissist December 31, 2016
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