1 definition by Cliché. Hipster

A word that became stereotyped by people of the older generation. sometimes use to downgrade their lower peers.

*not all millenials are snowflakes
*not all millenials eat healthy whole foods and avocados (which isn't a bad thing if they do)
*not all millenials didn't get spankings and are spoiled
*not all millenials are narcissistic..there are many of other generations who are.
*Not all millenials are dumb (and a grade doesn't define your IQ..just how much you can memorize within a certain period of time ..usually from Monday to Friday test day.)
Millenial was originally just a name for an age group..not a stereotype.
Grumpy older man who thinks he knows everything "You darn millenials are spoiled and entitled, even the kids I raised."
by Cliché. Hipster April 6, 2019
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