2 definitions by Clean your base boards

Where anybody can be anything but a real gang banger mp highschool has a bunch of those. Some of them smoke weed or do crack and say their apart of a gang. They were red all the time or blue it depends on how they feel but one big gang is called BBS or big bamboozle shii.
Ex: “ I can’t take mount pleasant high school gang members serious” said by one of the students attending this bullshit ass school
by Clean your base boards January 13, 2022
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We’re niggas smoke weed and do a lil bit of crack perks or zanex some of these kids claim there apart of a gang🤷 They usually were red but blue depends on how they are feeling that day.
Ex: “Mp highschool gang bangers can’t be take seriously” said one of the other students attending this bum ass school
by Clean your base boards January 14, 2022
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