2 definitions by Classic Disaster

1. A large fuzzy creature with two (2) antennae

2. A profanity, in Snacklebese, equivelant to the word "fuck" in the Engilsh language

3. A fake word that a kid with too much time on her hands made up
1. Aww, look how cute that snackledorf is!

2. Kid 1: You're such a stupid snackledorf!

3. Wow. You're a loser.
by Classic Disaster July 2, 2006
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1)Something so completely hysterical that at least two hundred people die from laughing, usually falling out of the sky onto the inhabitants of a small village.

2)A ridiculously funny event that's afteraffect is laughter for two days after the bomb is dropped.

3)Bomb inducing a lollercaust.
1)When the first atomic bomb failed to deter the Japanese, America was tempted to use a lollerbomb to kill them off.

2)Two days after milk came out of Julie's nose, people were still feeling the effects of the lollerbomb.

3)Hitler loves lollerbombs.
by Classic Disaster July 31, 2006
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