1 definition by Clap Back

Jeswena is a natural peacemaker & spiritual idealist who desires harmony. Enlightenment is a life-long pursuit. Selective with friends, you're aware of others' thoughts/ feelings. You're lively, uplifting, inspiring, and charming. This intelligent, seductive & witty person looks young, has a good sense of humor, loves beautiful things & values justice. You're an exceptional friend & prefers to lead than to follow. Happiness is familial & domestic harmony. You love solving conflicts. Plans do change but in areas of interest, focus is extraordinary. You love a close community & your strength is your readiness to put effort in things that matter. You respect others & your willpower makes you tough. Jeswena doesn't openly show emotions in hard times. Down to earth, practical & organized, you learn from mistakes to not repeat them. You don't waste time complaining, but find the positive in situations. Your introspection can be contradictory but it makes sense to change an opinion when new facts are presented. You have a vivid imagination which needs to be put to use or it'll remain daydreams. Jeswena is easily adaptable - like a chameleon! You stay calm & get the best out of any situation. You unintentionally seem rude when meeting new people. It takes time to warm up but once the initial barrier is passed, you're amiable. Jeswena likes knowing the facts before making decisions, is firm, altruistic & avoids trivial things like small talk.

*Taken from MYFIRSTNAME.ROCKS & NameKun
Principal: So Jeswena, where do you live?
Jeswena: With my parents
Principal: Okay.. Where do your parents live?
Jeswena: With me
Principal: Where do you all live?
Jeswena: Together
Principal: Let me try this again. Where exactly is your house located?
Jeswena: Next to my neighbours
Principal: Okay.., Where is your neighbours' house?
Jeswena: If I tell you, would you believe me?
Principal: Just tell me
Jeswena: Next to my house
Principal: ...
by Clap Back November 23, 2021
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