1 definition by Chronically online

Short for Exclusionists, this term refers to those who want to safekeep the LGBT community. The opposite of "Inclus" (or Inclusionists) who want to open the community to those that do not experience gender dysphoria or same sex / same gender attraction.

Exclus reject Cisgender Heteros (whether Allo, Aro, or Ace) from the community with the goal of keeping resources and spaces safe and focused on the needs and struggles of those who are not "Cishet". Exclus also reject microlabels beyond the LGBT as unnecessary, contributing to erasure of existing terms, and placing too much focus on label stacking as comfort object versus functional labeling for safety and community.

Some of the more widely know Exclu stances include:
-Asexuality is not inherently LGBT nor an Orientation, as it is a modifier to their experience.
-Bisexuality has always included Homo and Hetero attraction and allows for attraction regardless of gender. The existence of Pansexuality as a label undermines and erases this, and as such is unnecessary and performative.
-LGBT is the complete acronym. Some include the Q if it has been reclaimed as a term by the individual and they are not Cishet but labels beyond those are unnecessary and contribute to the community becoming a joke / losing focus on civil rights and protection. Exclus respect the wishes of 2 Spirit and Intersex communities not to be included as a default.
As an Exclu member of the LGBT community I want to ensure that our spaces do not include straight cis individuals.

As an Exclu it is sad to see Inclus suggest that by wanting to safeguard the community that we are somehow Trans exclusionary which is not treu.
by Chronically online February 28, 2022
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