1 definition by Chopinok

Lisette is a girl with a beautiful personality. When you hang out with her, you’ll forget the time because of her incomparable simple humor and the way she amuses you with her silly dances and singing. There is no bigger dog lover than her. She sometimes could be a bit insecure about how she appears to other people and sometimes cannot shut her mouth about important stuff but you’ll love her anyway. You will not meet anybody else who cares so much about your friendship like she does. Whatever could happen between you and her, she will always be fighting for keeping the relationship alive and it totally pays out.

If you don’t have this beautiful and loving beast who also has a huge heart for wine by your side, it is probably because every beautiful thing is limited on this world.

If you do have one, she is probably your best friend.
A: Do you hear this lovely voice singing to lil pump?
B: Oh it’s Lisette, she is probably on her way to spread love to her dog and her best friend!
by Chopinok November 3, 2018
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