2 definitions by Chooch130

She is a beaut born in the 70's. She is known for roofie-ing herself on Saturday nights. She likes to twerk by herself while watching YouTube videos of Miranda Lambert. She loves driving, but not far, the pub is usually the limit. She has a hard time focusing, sometimes forgetting Beau is the DOG. She let's Broadbents laying around. She has a tough time speaking, she'll send you bead for being bead. Everybody loves Drinda Louise.
Drinda Louise is an oldie but goodie!
by Chooch130 March 28, 2021
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When you use the same water you just boiled your hot dogs in to boil the mac noodles
Your hotdog becomes leftovers when you taste the flavor from twice boiled Mac & Cheese
by Chooch130 October 8, 2022
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