1 definition by Chewy25

A guy who always says the sweetest things. They enjoy making people smile and laugh. When you become friends with a cheeser you definately won't regret it. They tend to be very loyal and super sweet. Constantly reminding you how pretty you are and making you feel like your their number one girl. They are an over all amazing guy. A lot of girls want to date him, but he only has his eyes on you. Definitely Boyfriend material. They won't go a day without reminding you how happy you make them. Dating a cheeser would then make you a cheesy couple. He'll remind you everyday why you just had to say yes. He's the gentleman you always wanted
Chelsea: yes my boyfriend is definitely a cheeser.
Honey: why?

Chelsea: because he always has something sweet to say to me.

Honey: well that's what a cheeser does.
by Chewy25 February 2, 2013
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