2 definitions by Charly Angleworm

Fukushima Daichi nuclear plant was damaged by March 11, 2011 earthquake off coast of Japan and terrible tsunami followed. The nuclear spew has not stopped to this day in 2017. The Cesium is said to be raining in Pacific Northwest from ocean uptake. NOAA took down radiation sensors and public website a few months after Fukushima so I guess we wouldn't have accurate information on our exposure. The use of verb means something similar to "we've been screwed".
We've been Fukushima'd.
by Charly Angleworm December 19, 2017
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Non-believer. May coincide with religious atheism, as neither transgender or religion has material proof. Both beliefs based on subjective "faith". Just as the religious fundamentalists are no longer burning unbelievers for blasphemy, so neither are gender atheists required to comform to gender faith ideology belief. Gender atheists eschew words "cis" and are horrified by slur "terf" for legitiamate gender critical parents, professionals and anyone who questions orthodoxy.
As a Gender Atheist I ask not to be mis-gendered with ideological terms from the gender fairy.
by Charly Angleworm December 19, 2017
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