3 definitions by Chairmin

A close friend, the preppy equivalent of a homie.

The term originated in Pittsburgh's northern suburbs after it became obvious that, unlike in Blue Belt neighborhoods such as Homewood or Homestead, any usage of the word homie would tend to be very out of place and create a socially awkward situation. It is derived from Wexford, a wealthy postal district in said northern suburbs.
My wexies got my collar!
by Chairmin July 15, 2006
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A close preppy friend, similar to a homie.

The term originated in Pittsburgh's northern suburbs where it was obvious that, unlike in Blue Belt neighborhoods such as Homewood or Homestead, any usage of the word homie would be very out of place and tend to create a socially awkward situation. It is derived from Wexford, a wealthy postal district in said northern suburbs.
My wexies got my collar.
by Chairmin July 14, 2006
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A close friend, the preppy equivalent of a homie.

This term originated in the northern suburbs of Pittsburgh after some locals discovered that they were, in fact, suburban preppies who did not live in Homewood. Following that realization, the use of the word 'homie' began to carry with it a stigma that would often lead to socially awkward situations. This word became a much-needed substitute. It is derived from Wexford, a wealthy postal district in said northern suburbs and part of North Allegheny.
My wexies got my collar!
by Chairmin July 16, 2006
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