1 definition by CaliFromNowhere

island between canada and michigan downriver. here there are more druggies, smokers, and underage drinkers than anywhere else. the thing is you cant tell they do these things unless they tell you. the parents are more naive than the kids, they think because we live in a small close community we dont have access to these things. island fest is our escape to something different. macomb is where kids hang out and just get into trouble because adults are tired of seeing us. most teenagers here just want to escape unless they are the naive few that are completely straight edge. generally stereotyped to be rich and conceited which is the case for most of those who live here, but a good portion of us are middle class trying to keep up with bills. parents move here because the only good thing are the teachers and our school system. socially there are major fights among social groups
grosse ile is full of underground drug deals
by CaliFromNowhere December 23, 2008
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