1 definition by COL Master 2000



Coughing Out Loud (COL). A maneuver in which an individual tries to get out of a desperately sticky situation (i.e. funerals, bat mitzvahs, talking to a fat chick at a party, etc.) by coughing out loud. By COLing, this diminishes ones like factor with another person or situation, thereby causing them to dismiss you.
Me: So, anyway, I was getting ready to play some mad tongue hockey with this one ginger girl when I noticed her hair lip.
Bart: Dude, so how did you bail from that?
Me: I COL'ed dude, I COL'ed.
Bart. Win.

Famous Philosopher: To COL, or not to COL, that is the question.
by COL Master 2000 October 20, 2009
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