1 definition by C.Q.009.404

A word-to-word translation of 'Wang Hong'. Wang internet/net, Hong red.

- A Chinglish Chinese Englsih word means "Influencer", "Content Producer".

- popular things, i.e. locations/shops/products/jobs ect., because they are highly-rated in social media.
- Chef Wang Gang now have 1.13 M subscription on his YouTube channel, and this made him an Internet Red.

- 'Wang hong' is someone who has lots of followers, but unlike bloggers they do not need to be seen as a content expert. Instead they are influencer due to their looks or their sense of humour.

- Chef Wang Gang's 'Red Braised Pork' teast reaaaally good! No wonder it is an 'internet red' recipe.
by C.Q.009.404 December 19, 2019
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