1 definition by Buzzy Aldrin

When one gets a small blim of tobacco and puts it between there upper lip and gum (The area which is often used to take speed or coke). A buzzy gives you intense head rush and energy for a minute or two. A buzzy is often carried out when one is stoned, pinged, wired or another sort of state of mind. The blim or dab of tobacco is the size of 2 peas, it is advised to do this when one is on a come up or has just peaked. A buzzy is called a buzzy cos the tobacco is fuzzy and it gives you a buzz. May be referred to as a Nordic Hit or Yellow Tooth. To be avoided when on psychedelics.
Friend 1: "Oi mate, I got some loose baccy here, you wanna do a buzzy"
Friend 2: "Yh sure man when we get through security, don't wanna look to fucked up"
by Buzzy Aldrin June 16, 2019
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