1 definition by Burnin Angel

Respect is what nowadays kids have a lack of.WHO CARES ??Respect...Respect is a very strong word.But you can also use it with sweetness
For example:

1. Imagine a teacher saying to one of her student "why don't you have some respect" while she is right .Think about the kid.How he/she feels ?He will learn one day to respect but that was on example for respect's strong meaning

2. Image your friend does you a big favour.Firstly you thank him saying "I respect you" or just "respect" by itself is enough .Then image that the same friend means a lot to you and that you cannot thank him because he is away and you can't go with him .Is the best way to thank him trying non stop (while being rejected) to submit a meaning for Respect dedicated to him?

See how different the meaning of the word can change.If only people used it's sweet plus lovely meaning than the strict one

But in the end who cares it won't even get submitted.
IHeartYouBro xoxo...
by Burnin Angel August 12, 2017
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