1 definition by BullybyTimGunn

To balderdash/balderdashed, a balderdasher

A bully who cannot/will not admit to himself/herself that they’re bullying or allowing other people to bully.

A balderdasher will claim that they are against bullying and therefore can’t be a bully. This type of person is often a someone who is seen as a spokesperson for anti-bullying or is a victim of bullying themselves.

Derived from a statement made by Project Runway’s, Tim Gunn, after allegations that he bullied and/or allowed a constestant to be bullied out of the show.
"Tim Gunn balderdashed when he was confronted with views that he bullied a contestant."

"When Mondo bullied one of the contestants, Tim Gunn balderdashed, so Mondo could continue his bullying."

"People want an apology for the bullying Tim Gunn did, but all he gave them was balderdashing"

"People want Tim Gunn to admit to being a bully, but you know he’s just going to balderdash."
by BullybyTimGunn March 27, 2014
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