2 definitions by Bulgarian Equestrian

When an otherwise young person reveals themself considerably out of touch with popular culture, current temperaments, or contemporary jargon; or otherwise old-fashioned.
"Beg pardon, have you seen my newspaper?"
"I yeeted it across the room."
"Sorry, what?"
"Berezin moment..."
by Bulgarian Equestrian November 25, 2021
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Fonsed (verb). To continually annoy the 102. Panzergrenadier Battaillon's members without technically reaching the required number of warnings, but still being banned for it.
Random Pzgren.: Remember that guy who kept throwing a grenade at command every two weeks?
Random Gfr.: I heard he got Fonsed, he's not here anymore.
by Bulgarian Equestrian December 31, 2021
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