2 definitions by Buck Futz

During non-lubed anal sex the male pulls out abruptly and savagely, leaving the rectum in question protruding like a rolled up pink sock.
Viv: Damn girl you look sore!
Sally: Yeah that bastard I went home with last night pink socked me, and now my farts sound like a New Year's eve party favor.
by Buck Futz June 8, 2009
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Similar to the McGangbang in a sense, more costly tho and found only at Wendy's. Stuff a Baconator with Spicy Chicken sandwich add a layer of fries.McGangbang Calorie count:970
Lil red ho train Calorie count:1680
Bill: Hey man, you down with getting a McGangbang?
Al: Naw man I don't want no dollar menu shit...I just got paid let's get a couple of lil red ho trains.
by Buck Futz April 24, 2009
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