3 definitions by Bruhé

Diluc is a video game character from the game Genshin Impact. He has red long hair and owns a winery.
Person 1: Woah, is that Diluc from Genshin Impact?

Person 2: yeahh
by Bruhé September 30, 2020
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A Video game character from the game, Genshin Impact. He has red long hair and he owns a winery.
Person 1: Woah is that Diluc from Genshin Impact?

Person 2: yeah
by Bruhé September 30, 2020
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Xianglang is a video game character from the game Genshin Impact. She has dark blue/purple hair and she has a bear that breathes fire. She's also a chef and makes great food, even if sometimes the ingredients sound weird.
Person 1: Xianglang is my favorite character.

Person 2: She's pretty cool.
by Bruhé September 30, 2020
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