4 definitions by Brett Barnes

Like the Harvey Wallbanger or Tom Collins, it's a drink named after a guy for easy ordering in crowded noisy bars. It's simply the cheapest beer at the bar and can change by location and time of day (e.g. Happy Hour).
by Brett Barnes May 9, 2006
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Like the Harvey Walbanger or Tom Collins, it's a drink named after a guy for easy ordering in crowded noisy bars. It's simply the cheapest beer at the bar and can change by location and time of day (e.g. Happy Hour).
by Brett Barnes May 9, 2006
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Getting stuck with the shit jobs that the more important people around you are unwilling to do.
Dude, what are you doing with that mop and what is that smell?

I just totally got cinderella-ed.
by Brett Barnes May 9, 2006
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The ethereally foggy place where the wealthy and powerful reside; usually not associated with reality.
"Dude, I heard you got layed off."

"Yeah, the CEO spent too much on his golden Herman Miller chair; they had to lay off 20% of the staff. It must be nice to live in the Power Mist"
by Brett Barnes May 4, 2006
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