3 definitions by Brandon "Batman" Green

A drink made by someone homeless, or soon to be homeless, combining at least 10+ different drinks that have been removed from a garbage can in a party district.

Also known amongst the homeless community as a "Sidewalk Sleeper", this is semi-common activity in Bourbon Street, New Orleans, LA.
The homeless guy made a Bum Runner on Bourbon Street as tourists laughed and photographed him in the act.
by Brandon "Batman" Green June 15, 2011
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The only place you can drink ANYWHERE / ANYTIME, buy a prestigious piece of art, get ran over by 100 cycling nudists, consume food that's literally unrivaled, buy a 8 oz drink for $11 bucks, then go upstairs to their balcony bar & get the same shit 3 for 1, observe a homeless man pull out "trashed drinks" with any leftovers to combine them into a 64oz germifobe's worst nightmare 'medley' so he can get trashed too, get hustled by 800 shooter girls at 8 bars, party with cops who have only horses and vespas to chase you with, get a lap dance from a 10 at Larry Flynn's, get a lapdance from a 2 everywhere else, AND then passout in a Historic Hotel ---- all in the same block!
The homeless guy got drunk on Bourbon Street by removing 18 drinks from a garbage can and combining them into a 64 oz Bum Runner cocktail.
by Brandon "Batman" Green June 15, 2011
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The act of molesting and/or penetrating the most elderly waitress at Cracker Barrel.

History: Uncle Herschel had a impulsive sexual taste for old women, near death. Uncle Herschel's Favorite is an act, a documented chain of events comprised from Herschel's most coveted and well known encounter.

Her tits must sag like Two Eggs over easy. You must jiggle (earthquake test) to ensure maturity.

The act:
Using three fingers you then must enter her rectum in a pinching motion, pulling out any loose debris, then feeding her the Mashbrown Asserole before it can be contaminated from the outside air. It must be fresh and ripe and done so in a sweeping motion. Or if you prefer, that step can be bypassed if you'd rather insert an entire fried apple in her a-hole. There must be a Sawmill Gravy run in her panties, and her inner vaginal walls must be the consistency of grits. Both can only be tested only with your tongue, and no pinching of the nose is allowed. You then have to pick your meat and insert it whichever hole is still duty-free, while balancing the triangular peg game on her head.

Any deviation, and it's not an Uncle Herscel's Favorite... Just nastyness, plus extensive jailtime.
Bob: I'm horny.
Neil: I'm hungry.
Bob: Want to goto Cracker Barrel?
Neil: Hell yea, what are you gonna eat?
Bob: I'm probably gonna get an Uncle Herschel's Favorite
by Brandon "Batman" Green June 15, 2011
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