9 definitions by Boylio

Feminism is the movement of women that attempts to break down the barriers of gender inequality. It is thought to have began in the late 19th century with the womens campaign for the vote. It began to pick up steam in the again in the sixties with the arival of the pill but began to fizzle out in the 90s.
It is now largely regarded (particularly by ignorant skinheaded men) as obselete. "Ya vote, ya work, Wha' ya monin' 'bout ya freaky lesbo" is the general thought among this crowd.
True women can vote but that is hardly the surface of gender inequality. Women CAN work but are also expected to look after the kids and do the housework. Equal? I don't think so. Women are also statistically paid less for doing the same jobs as men and hold relatively few high powered jobs compared to men.
Sure women have made progress but there are still major inequalties in society that need to be solved.
"Why do I care?" I hear those of you who are male say. Well, you have mothers, sisters, wives etc. Wouldnt you be furious if they were disadvantaged because they were black or gay or disabled? Of course you would! So why is it ok for this to happen to your family because they are women?
You do not have to hate men or burn bras or be a lesbian to be a feminist. You just have to believe in equality.
Feminists (including men) kick ass!
Supporter of feminism: I demand equal pay for my sister!

Skinhead boss: I dont like bra burning lesbians.
by Boylio October 30, 2005
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Empress of the new right, idol of the conservative partyand daily mail readers everywhere. Famous for beating the hell out of Argentina when they tried to take back the Falklands (the falkwhat? - exactly) - a teeny bunch of islands off the south cost of Argentina that nobody had ever heard of.

Responsible for the miners strikes of the 80s, 'black wednesday', the poll tax and making council houses available to be bought by their occupants.

She famously said "This ladys not for turning" over the poll tax. The old dear was eventually made to shut the hell up and remove the tax that was massively unpopular.

The old Iron Lady did not do much for feminism. You finally get a woman in charge and she messes everything up. Ta very much Mags!

Looks strangely like Noel Edmonds when a beard is drawn on her
Margaret Thatcher: "The peasants are revolting. Jeeves, send out the police to batter them senseless"
by Boylio March 12, 2006
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