2 definitions by BoomBap247

The phrase "Good Vibrations" has a huge misconception, and people think there's some sort of mystical elements to it. Others think it's completely stupid to say that since they're too stupid to even understand the metaphor. "Good Vibrations" are simply a reference to the brain waves that make you feel good and less anxious. It's a fact that what brain waves are active in our brain effect our mood.
This shit is dope!!! man, I'm just chilling, and these are good vibrations!!!!
by BoomBap247 March 10, 2022
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People typically are not able to grasp this concept because it requires understanding the metaphor of the symbolism. The third eye is nothing mystical. It is an iconic symbol as defined by linguistic anthropologists since the actual idea of a third eye completely references the meaning of the symbol. The meaning is a bit of a metaphor. The Third Eye is what all of us can do when we close our eyes, and we are able to visualize anything in the world that we want to. We can see our goals in the future; we can imagine how parts of a car work in our head without ever looking inside of one. We are able to do this without seeing with our two eyes, and since we are still seeing something, then that must mean it's an eye we're seeing with. Hence, the third eye. We can train our minds to see more than what we used to through practice. Having a third eye wide open is synonymous with Hyperphantasia since that is it's medical term.
Man! dude, that sexy females Third Eye is wide open... They must have been born with Hyperphantasia.
by BoomBap247 March 10, 2022
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