2 definitions by BoneheadXL

A jerk fest. Developed from the phrase "Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten." Thus to masturbate many times within a night is to kill many kittens. Hence, "death to all kittens."
Buddy: This is some really hot porn.
Dude: Death to all kittens!
by BoneheadXL January 12, 2008
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A sport in which somebody dies as a part of the game. Points are either scored by some bodies' death or there is a high chance of death by competitors. The concept originates from films like "Rollerball" (An awesome '70s film that had a god awful remake) and "Death Race 2000" (Another awesome '70s film with a god awful remake currently in development) Often associated with dystopian futures and fascist governments.
If reality television continues to get anymore exploitive, we'll be watching death sports on TV.
by BoneheadXL January 12, 2008
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