3 definitions by Bodhi

the person who wrote the definition, in which they included the theory that our president is a jackass. in his theory, he misspelled the word speech, and instead put "speach".
An this dude is actually defining "jackass". All i have to say is: it takes one to know one, and besides, look who can't spell. what a jackass.
by Bodhi May 26, 2004
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One who worships teh cock. Likes nothing more than to be sprayed in the face with man juice.
Man, that Hecate is such a cocklord
by Bodhi January 19, 2003
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Adrenaline junkie, someone who lacks fear. A spiritual enlightenment: finding your inner peace: becoming one with the world/ loving everything nature has has brought. Taking what the earth has givin you, and giving back more.
Coming to a state of mined only where a person who lives the Ozaki way can be.
by Bodhi March 24, 2016
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