2 definitions by Bob Cobb

The jackass quotient is a quantified measure of immaturity and stupidity, as the result of large ego.
The jackass quotient in the NBA is pretty high. If you gave incentive to players shooting from half-court by awarding additional points, you'd probably see them jacking shots up from way downtown.
by Bob Cobb March 15, 2005
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Back in 2001, the Discovery Channel ran an advertisement where two people dressed up as meteors and discussed what they learned on the Discovery.com web site using intentionally bad acting. The commercial was pretty amusing.
Meteor A: Hello meteor.
Meteor B: Hello meteor.
Meteor A: Have you heard about the web site called Discovery.com?
Meteor B: Discovery.com is my guidebook for life. I learned how to plant an herb garden, train my dog, and cure my dandruff.
Meteor A: I learned that most meteors burn up in earth's atmostphere . . . Ahh the atmosphere. Ahhh!
Meteor B: Ahh the atmosphere. Ahhhhh . . .
by Bob Cobb April 27, 2006
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