2 definitions by BlueSteel16

The overwhelming feeling that the "Fear Of Missing Out" (acronym "FOMO") might actually kill you.
O'Bryan's bar studying was going fine for about 15 minutes until he got on Facebook and realized how much fun everyone was having without him. He became instantly FOMOcidal, which led to situational depression and another hour of procrastination on the internet.
by BlueSteel16 May 28, 2013
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Short for "No Reason Hornyness."
The female version of a nrb(no reason boner).

When you are super bored and/or Procrastinating on a topic and become super horny.

This can be associated with random horny day dream of your dream man and/or a celebratory.
"Hey Sally, how was studying"

"When studying at home, I got NRH. It was so Random"
by BlueSteel16 October 1, 2014
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