1 definition by BlatentlySingle

Nervous verbal diarrhoea usually to do with a blossoming romance, often a sign of being bad at relationships, or in a case more annoying for the friends of the relationshitter- a smitten kitten. A bad case of the relationshits will often lead to the relationships downfall, as its can often be misunderstood as possessiveness/obsessivness or in the other extreme- being a 'commitaphobe'.
Smitten Kitten- 'ooh my boyfriend is so cute, the other day he said hi and did this really cute thing with...' Relationshits.

Bad at relationships- '...relationshit. O bollox I didn't mean to say relationshit, wow what if he sees this. Eh he's a prick he can just man up and deal with it. Well, he's not actually a prick, but...' Relationshits.
by BlatentlySingle October 8, 2011
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