1 definition by Blank2341

He is a pro at Zombesroyale.io, and clash royale and every game in existence and has never felt a woman's touch and never will. Ali garnazo Meer. Emits an extremely loud screech capable of mentally, physically, and socially kill any type of eardrum/brain cell.
His only weaknesses are : water, oil, meat, grass, gelatin, pork, Mme Blackburn, Mme Mann, Martin, John, Luke, any female presence, mayo,wood, food, liquids, battery acid, rocks, Alex, his physical, mental and social strength, Mommy Meer, Papa Meer, Mini Meer, John John, any type of parent, and his worst weakness of all Vegetables
You are such an Ali meer !
by Blank2341 October 28, 2021
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