1 definition by BlackhawkxxLax

A game played on a field that is 110 yards long and 60 yards wide. While in play there are 10 players on the field at a time (20 if you include the opposing team). The players are divided into four groups the Mid-Fielders, the Attack, the Defense, and the Goalie. The Mid-Fielders are players that can go on either side of the field and play both defense and offense and there stick can be between the length of 40 inches and 42 inches. The Attack are three players that stay on the opposing teams side of the field and have the same sized stick as the Mid-fielders. The Defenders stay on one side of the field and defend their goal their stick can be between the length of 52 and 72 inches long.

Lacrosse can be played in almost any weather conditions except if it is thundering and lightning.

Lacrosse is for the athletically able, to play lacrosse you need to be fast, strong, smart, quick thinking, and you need to have stamina and a lot of it. you also need to be able to take a hit and they continue to play.

Lacrosse is amazing and can Kick baseball's ass any day.
Lacrosse can be played in the rain, snow, sleet, hail, basically any weather condition (but not thunder and Lightning)
But a baseball game is canceled if it starts to drizzle out also baseball games are so boring that half way through the game there is time for you to awake your self up from your after noon nap. Baseball sucks ass
by BlackhawkxxLax March 4, 2011
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