1 definition by Biomeanace
The thing girls say they want in a guy when they themselves usually don't have the confidence to make the first move.
Girl 1: "Hey, that guy who sits behind you in math?"
Girl 2: "What about him?"
Girl 1: "I think he's kinda cute"
Girl 2: "Ugh but he's so shy and quiet! Zero confidence. I wouldn't give him a chance."
The next day
Girl 2: "Oh look! there's that hot guy Trev! I soooo want him!"
Girl 1: "Go ask him out"
Girl 2: "Jeez that's intimidating! I'll just give him a smile and wait till he asks ME out"
Girl 2: "What about him?"
Girl 1: "I think he's kinda cute"
Girl 2: "Ugh but he's so shy and quiet! Zero confidence. I wouldn't give him a chance."
The next day
Girl 2: "Oh look! there's that hot guy Trev! I soooo want him!"
Girl 1: "Go ask him out"
Girl 2: "Jeez that's intimidating! I'll just give him a smile and wait till he asks ME out"
by Biomeanace April 10, 2010