2 definitions by Binod, James Binod

Its not just a number, its an emotion

meaning 1: when 2 people have thick liquid snacks with a hairy view

meaning 2: A Fking number, u s-hole

p1: It was one of the tastiest c#m i ever had,
p2: same here, its was the most juicy cake i ever ate

EX2: My friend's college enrollment number is 69 (just a number u dumbass)
by Binod, James Binod November 22, 2022
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The only math problem where both parties get to subtract clothes and add pleasure simultaneously
Person A: "Hey, did you hear about that new restaurant that opened up?"
Person B: "Oh, yeah! I heard their specialty dish is called '69'!"
Person A: "Wait, what? Isn't that just a number?"
Person B: "Well, apparently, it's a delicious combination of spicy chicken and saucy noodles. They really know how to satisfy your cravings!"
Person A: "Wow, that's quite an enticing menu item. I guess they're all about pleasing their customers in more ways than one!"
Person B: "Absolutely! Their slogan is 'Taste the pleasure of perfect harmony!'"
Person A: "Haha, I can't help but wonder if they have any '69' meal deals or discounts. It sounds like a fun way to indulge in some culinary delights!"
Person B: "Who knows? You might just have to go and find out for yourself. Just be prepared for an unforgettable dining experience!"
Person A: "Well, it certainly sounds like a place that knows how to mix pleasure with good food. Count me in!"
Person B: "Bon appétit and enjoy the delicious '69' experience! Just remember to keep an open mind and an empty stomach!"
by Binod, James Binod June 15, 2023
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