1 definition by BillyMays

1)Comedian turned salesman that hypnotizes you with his eyeball.

2)Best known for the guy that advertises ShamWow and Slap Slop

2) Archnemesis of Billy Mays(the beard guy that sales OxyClean)

3)You're gonna LOVE HIS NUTS
"Hi, I'm Vince Offer! I sale ShamWow and Slap Slop chopper that chops nuts and all sorts of stuff!

"You're gonna love my nuts"

"It sells itself"

"This TUNA, looks BORING! Stop having a boring tuna, stop having a BORING LIFE"

Viewer: "...My life is boring...Tuna's boring...Must...Obey...EYEBALL"
by BillyMays March 31, 2009
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