2 definitions by Bigguss_dickuss_

The home of gigachads and sigma males. The home to the most alpha, smartest, most athletic, sexiest men you will ever meet. Slays at both sports and academics, produces men so alpha that anyone nearby is forced into a trance, obeying every command they give. Educated Rusell Crowe, Scomo and the CEO of Commonwealth Bank. Despite being government-funded, has rowing sheds, playing fields and is part of the AAGPS. Pupils are famed for their abnormally large genitalia.
Girl 1: Wow I hooked up with someone from Sydney Boys High School last night, and he had the biggest penis I have ever seen. It felt like his cock was in my stomach, and he made me squirt like a fountain. I can't stop thinking about it.
Girl 2: That's just what people at Sydney Boys High School are like. You are so lucky to have met one.
by Bigguss_dickuss_ November 12, 2021
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A school full of failures and people who wish they were at Sydney Boys. Despite being a private school in AAGPS, is terrible at sports, and cannot compete. Full of gay Asian nerds and SJW communists. Pupils famed for having abnormally small penises.
Girl 1: Who is that? Does he go to Sydney Grammar School?
Girl 2: Look at that nonexistent bulge. Of course.
by Bigguss_dickuss_ November 12, 2021
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