2 definitions by BigRay0069

Detroit Lions.
A team that really sucks monkey balls. They will NEVER make it to the superbowl, let alone win it. They suck ass, and there fans are a bunch of fags and losers themselves.

Team slogan should be: " Theres always next year."
Me: HA HA lions lose again they really suck!

Eric: That what I get for liking the shitty loser-ass lions. oh well. Theres always next year."
by BigRay0069 July 11, 2008
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When playin madden 08 against your friend (or asshole enemy), and you use the Cowboys (the greatest team ever, america's team and get beat by the shitty loser-ass Lions on the last play of the game cause you were nice and called a timeout for that son of a bitch cause he was all out.
Me: Thats some fucking Madden Bullshit they fucked me!

Asshole friend: Ha Ha I was the shitty loser ass faggit Lions and I beat You.

Me: I'll fucking shit in your mouth cockboy. Your lucky I did't quit.
by BigRay0069 July 11, 2008
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