1 definition by BettrThnABadBoy

Following forward leg motion while walking, one locks the knees without bending on the way back. The forces the hips to compensate by moving side to side in an immeasurable effeminate fashion. Uniquely enough, this is not a Homo sexual attribute. The intention of force displacement is to overcompensate for insecurity of one's cultural background. Eurowalk (or Eurowalking) is performed in North America by those of European decent. Mainly by those fresh off the boat or of refugee status. Middle Eastern's also perform this style of walk however vary the motion by extending feet outwards in a duck like fashion.
"Wow look how gay that guy is" - "He's not gay, he's Eurowalking look at his knees".
by BettrThnABadBoy July 10, 2012
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