16 definitions by Bennehftw

An affix for the term Phan. Used when you’ve been through the deepest depths of Phan that you have forgotten what it’s like to be remembered. Being in limbo in the realm of Phan, you have created a life there keeping all of your sanity and precious possessions in your Phanny Pack.
Ben: Hey what’re you doing?

Lawn: Just making a bunch of nasty dip that I know no one will eat so I’m making it for the trash.

Ben: What’re you doing today?

Ben: #phan

84 years later

Ben: Ah, what beautiful weather it is in this cave. I wonder what the sun is like. Come on Wilson, let’s go hunt for some Bloomin’ Onions. Where’s my Phanny Pack.
by Bennehftw December 8, 2022
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The past tense verb of having thumbed up multiple times in succession.

Example: I have thumbs that up multiple times already.

Example revised: Thumbd’s up.
A: Can you check on the turkey?
B: *thumbs up*
10 seconds later.
A: Can you check on the turkey?
B: Thumbs up.
10 seconds later
A: Hello? Check on the fucking turkey you dingus.
B: Thumbd’s up.
by Bennehftw December 5, 2022
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