10 definitions by Ben Tricarico

To attatch trucks (Skate-board wheels) to the bottom of a large chinese frying pan and sit hencewith, in said frying pan and blast down the steepest hill you can, holding onto nothing but the handle and your life.
by Ben Tricarico November 24, 2006
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A game played to determine the next in line for the spliff.
Stoner 1 - Man I'm wasted...Ping.

Stoner 2 - Huh?
Stoner 3 - Yo check this out...oh!
Stoner 4 - Oh shit, PONG!
Stoner 2 - PONG! Ohh crap...
Stoner 4 - Safe, pass that J.
by Ben Tricarico November 26, 2007
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