1 definition by Bekahfieldingx

TWIMDb is a place that was originally started for people who were fans of the Twilight series, that soon turned into a popular place with many MANY off topic posts. It soon became the home of many people who visit the board regularly. Sometimes filling it up with complete nonsense. It also became a great target for trolls. Only the awesome one's stayed. As of August 2009 many people have left. There are only few who are on regularly these days. And those few are the best.
Lex and Bekah are the oldest oldies on TWIMDb.
Jess is one of the coolest newbs on TWIMDb.

Alexis, or girl Lex, is constantly on TWIMDb.
Katy is one of the coolest on TWIMDb.
Haven't seen Riley much on TWIMDb, but she deserves to be mentioned.

Morgan got attacked her very first post on TWIMDb.
Bianca is found on TWIMDb every once in a while.
Kenzie is on TWIMDb rarely, but deserves to be mentioned.
Erin from TWIMDb has serious issues. SPOCK!?
Bella from TWIMDb is great.

A troll from TWIMDb is Racul, he's a jerk.
Dongs deserves to be mentioned because he's sometimes on TWIMDb, and used to be a regular.
Logan from TWIMDb is obsessed with Britney, and people are obsessed with him.
Sarah (hifive) is from TWIMDb who's awesomely cool, and was fun to creep with smile faces.
Natalie from TWIMDb is an awesome Canadian.
I think her name's Indy deserves to be mentioned because she's from TWIMDb.
Bernice from TWIMDb is awesomely awesome.
Kristina deserves to mentioned because she's on TWIMDb a lot.
Hayley is another awesome TWIMDb person who used to be a regular and is just on once in a while. On TWIMDb she used to be RobIsMySuperman and is now WatchMyPants. Not to confuse her with other Haley from TWIMDb.
An honourable mention is Liza from TWIMDb who was a constant regular on TWIMDb, also known as Swiss Army Romance. She was a great TWIMDb 'er, who left due to certain people and things. She was one of the best on TWIMDb.
Some other honourable mentions are Shelbie, Haley, and Beth who used to be regulars on TWIMDb and were part of the awesome chat 1752. Beth is sometimes on TWIMDb.
by Bekahfieldingx August 6, 2009
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