2 definitions by Beesah the emperor of marijuana planet

Weed, is another word for marijuana. Specifically weed refers to lower quality leaves, stems, sticks and seeds, from the marijuana plant (or marijuana planet if you are high enough). The intoxicating effect of this herb comes from the thc content of the plant. the thc content in marijuana varies from 1-4% (if you have 4% call me)but weed generally has 1-2%. Weed is very popular because of its cheap price and decent intoxicating effect with little to no health risk. Weed is also my personal Jesus. GO WEED GO!
-Dude, lets throw some weed in the hookah and get high
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Penis, if you don't know what a penis is you are to young to be on this site.
john can lick his own pecker, he should be an yoga instructor.
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