3 definitions by Beatles Groupie

John Lennon's first son. Famous for his skills in charming the ladies. Nearly as hot as his father, but no one can compare to John.
Me: Hey I read an article about Julian Lennon last night...he's hot.

Hannah: Yeah, but just cus he's a Lennon doesn't mean he's the original.

Me: Too true.
by Beatles Groupie October 9, 2005
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A clean, whooshing sensation through one's genitalia.
That new douche bag I bought gives me the ultimate zoli.
by Beatles Groupie November 29, 2005
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John Lennon's second son. Half asian (half Yoko Ono). He's famous...for being Lennon's son. Nobody's too sure if he has talents, or if he's famous by association.
Autumn: Doesn't Sean Lennon look kind of like Harry Potter?

Jessie: That's hot......I'd do that Lennon.

Hannah: Jessie, just cus he's a Lennon doesn't mean he's the original.

by Beatles Groupie December 15, 2005
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