2 definitions by Beamen

When you take a dump, wipe once, check toilet paper and nothing is there except clean white paper.

person 1: How the hell did you poop? we are out of toilet paper?
person 2: I just knew I was going to throw a perfect game.

person 1: man that was a fast shit. how'd you do it?
person 2: i pitched a perfect game.

Me: Yo Jesse, i just got off the toilet and feel great
Jesse: how come?
Me: Because I threw a perfect game!

by Beamen November 9, 2007
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When you take a dump, wipe once, check toilet paper and nothing is there except clean white paper.
Me: Yo Jesse, i just got off the toilet and feel great
Jesse: how come?
Me: Because I threw a perfect game!
by Beamen November 9, 2007
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